November 16, 2011 – Let the All-consciousness Decide

With the present morality of the human race
a sound and durable human unity is not yet possible;
but there is no reason why a temporary approximation to it
should not be the reward of strenuous aspiration and untiring effort.
By constant approximations and by partial realisations
and temporary successes Nature advances.

Sri Aurobindo

(Thoughts and Aphorisms 336)

Let the All-consciousness Decide

I am fully convinced that the confusion [ in the world] is there to teach us how to live from day to day, that is to say, not to be preoccupied with what may happen, what will happen, just to occupy oneself day by day with doing what one has to do. All thinkings, pre-plannings, arrangements and all that, are very favourable to much disorder.

To live almost minute by minute to be like that (gesture upwards), attentive only to the thing that is to be done at the moment, and then to let the All – Consciousness decide.

When you are assailed by the vision of such disorder and confusion, you have to do only one thing, to enter into the consciousness where you see only one Being, one Consciousness, one Power – there is only a single Unity – and all this is taking place within this Unity. And all our insignificant visions and knowings and judgements and…all that is mere nothing, it is microscopic in comparison with the Consciousness presiding over All.

The Mother

The Great Adventure: Page 362

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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