November 2, 2011 – We Are All Acting A Play

Valmekie, our ancient epic poet, includes among the signs of a just
& enlightened state of society not only universal education,
morality and spirituality but this also that there shall be
“none who is compelled to eat coarse food, none uncrowned &
unanointed or who is restricted to a mean and petty share of luxuries.”

Sri Aurobindo

(Thoughts and Aphorisms 194)

We Are All Acting A Play

You see, only the one who is watching the play is not worried, because he knows everything that is going to happen and has an absolute knowledge of everything – everything that happens, everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen – and it is all there, as one presence for him. And so it is the others, the poor actors who do not even know, they do not even know their parts! And they worry a great deal, because they are being made to act something and they do not know what it is…….. We are all acting a play, but we do not know what the play is, or where it is going, or where it comes from, or what it is as a whole; we barely know – imperfectly – what we are supposed to do from moment to moment. Our knowledge is imperfect. And so we worry! But when one knows everything, one can no longer worry, one smiles – He must be having great fun, but we…… And yet we are given the full power to amuse ourselves like Him.

We simply do not take the trouble.

The Mother

The Great Adventure: Page 194

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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