June 8, 2011 – Express Only the Highest Truth

Systematise we must,
but even in making and holding the system,
we should always keep firm hold on this truth
that all systems are in their nature transitory and incomplete

Sri Aurobindo

(Thoughts and Aphorisms 75)

Express Only the Highest Truth

There is only one way of acting truly, it is to try at each moment, each second, in each movement to express only the highest truth one can perceive, and at the same time know that this perception has to be progressive and that what seems to you the most true now will no longer be so tomorrow, and that a higher truth will have to be expressed more and more through you. This leaves no room any longer for sleeping in a comfortable tamas; one must be always awake- I am not speaking of physical sleep- one must be always awake, always conscious and always full of an enlightered receptivity and of goodwill. to want always the best, always the best, always the best, and never tell oneself, “on! it is tiring! Let me rest, let me relax! Ah, I am going to stop making an effort”; then one is sure to fall into a hold immediately and make a bit stupid blunder!…

Every minute one must endeavour to apply the highest truth one can perceive. It is much more difficult, but it’s the only solution.

The Mother

The Great Adventure: page 343

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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