May 25, 2011 – “It is My Fault”

Medicine is necessary for our bodies in disease
only because our bodies have learned the art
of not getting well without medicines.
Even so, one sees often that the moment Nature chooses
for recovery is that in which the life is abandoned as hopeless by the doctors.

Sri Aurobindo

(Thoughts and Aphorisms 403)

“It is My Fault”

In ordinary life one says, “It is circumstances, it is fate, it’s my bad luck, it is their fault”, or else, “I have no luck.” That is very, very, very convenient. One veils everything and expects… yes, one has happy moments and then bad ones, and finally- ah, well, finally one falls into a hole, for everyone tumbles over, and expects to, sooner or later. So, one does not worry, or worries all the time- which comes to the same thing. That is, one is unconscious, one lives unconsciously and puts all the blame for what happens on others and on the circumstances but never tells oneself: “Why! It is my own fault.” … It needs a sufficiently vast consciousness to begin. Even among those who profess to be conscious, there are not many who see clearly enough to become aware that all that happens to them comes from what they are and from nothing else. They always say, “He is wrong; circumstances are unfavourable; oh! why was that done?”- If you were not what you are, it would not happen in this way. It would happen differently.

The Mother

The Great Adventure: page 341

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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