Lost connection with the Psychic Being – 27.05.20

But wisdom comes, and vision grows within:
Then Nature’s instrument crowns himself her king;
He feels his witnessing self and conscious power;
His soul steps back and sees the Light supreme.
A Godhead stands behind the brute machine.
This truth broke in in a triumph of fire;
A victory was won for God in man,
The deity revealed its hidden face.
The great World-Mother now in her arose:
A living choice reversed fate’s cold dead turn,
Affirmed the spirit’s tread on Circumstance,
Pressed back the senseless dire revolving Wheel
And stopped the mute march of Necessity.
A flaming warrior from the eternal peaks
Empowered to force the door denied and closed
Smote from Death’s visage its dumb absolute
And burst the bounds of consciousness and Time.

Sri Aurobindo

Savitri, Book I, Canto II, pages 20 – 21.

Sweet Mother,

My mind is in such a turmoil these days that I don’t feel any contact with my psychic being. I don’t think that I have a psychic being any more.

Don’t be sad, my dear child; your psychic being is still there, for if it had gone away, your body would not be able to live.

You may no longer be very conscious of its presence because your mind has become rather noisy, so you are no longer quiet enough to feel the psychic presence. But this can be cured. And since you told me that you would like to try, yesterday I chose this quotation from Sri Aurobindo to send to you:

“Aspiration, constant and sincere, and the will to turn to the Divine alone are the best means to bring forward the psychic.”

Fix a time every day when you can be free and undisturbed; sit comfortably and think of your psychic being with an aspiration to enter into contact with it. If you don’t succeed immediately, don’t be discouraged; you are sure to succeed one day. I only ask that you let me know what time you have chosen so that I can help you more consciously.

With all my love and blessings.

The Mother

More Answers from the Mother, CWM volume 17, page 363.

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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