Mother Requests the Sea – 19.02.20

There was a separateness of soul from soul:
An inner wall of silence could be built,
An armour of conscious might protect and shield;
The being could be closed in and solitary;
One could remain apart in self, alone.
Identity was not yet nor union’s peace.
All was imperfect still, half-known, half-done:
The miracle of Inconscience overpassed,
The miracle of the Superconscient still,
Unknown, self-wrapped, unfelt, unknowable,
Looked down on them, origin of all they were.
As forms they came of the formless Infinite,
As names lived of a nameless Eternity.
Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Book II, Canto VI, page 187.

Long back, we were once concreting in Parc a Charbon: a compound wall to protect the property from sea erosion.

The next morning, we reported the matter to Mother and we informed Her that the work had gone on up to 9 p.m. The Mother told Manoranjan-da who was in charge of the project to stop the work at 8:30 p.m. and not to go beyond this time. It was an order and must be obeyed.

So the same day, work of concreting the wall was proceeding smoothly and at 8:25 p.m. Manoranjan-da asked us to stop the work for the day. When we were coming out of the place, suddenly the sea level increased and splashes fell on us. Anyhow we could safely come out from our position with the vibrator machine. And then we observed that if we had been there, the sea would have washed us to its water.

The next day, when we reported the matter to Mother, She smiled and said that She had asked the sea not to trouble us up to 8:30 p.m.

When Mother’s love, help and protection are there, none can harm us. We have only to be sincere and truthful to Her.

Abhay Singh

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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