November 13, 2019 – Purna Avatar

A pointing beam on earth’s uncertain roads,

His birth held up a symbol and a sign;

His human self like a translucent cloak

Covered the All-Wise who leads the unseeing world.

Affiliated to cosmic Space and Time

And paying here God’s debt to earth and man

A greater sonship was his divine right.

Although consenting to mortal ignorance,

His knowledge shared the Light ineffable.

A strength of the original Permanence

Entangled in the moment and its flow,

He kept the vision of the Vasts behind:

A power was in him from the Unknowable.

An archivist of the symbols of the Beyond,

A treasurer of superhuman dreams,

He bore the stamp of mighty memories

And shed their grandiose ray on human life.

His days were a long growth to the Supreme.

Sri Aurobindo

Savitri, Book I, Canto III, page 22

Purna Avatar

Sweet Mother,

Sri Aurobindo says that five thousand years have passed since the great battle of Kurukshetra was fought. But the benign influence of Sri Krishna’s political genius ended only yesterday with Rani Lakshmibai. After that, to protect India and the world anew, there had to be a Purna Avatar. This Avatar will awaken the Brahmatej, which is dormant. Sri Aurobindo also says that it is only in the Kaliyuga that the Divine manifests fully because man is in great danger in this age. And here he is! He himself reveals the great secret: the Divine has fully manifested in India. But he has the modesty not to say that he himself is this manifestation!

Those who accomplish the work are not in the habit of boasting. They keep their energy for the task and leave the glory of the results to the Eternal Lord.

The Mother, Some Answers from the Mother, CWM volume 16, pages 269-270.

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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