February 17, 2010 – Receptivity: Open Yourself

See God everywhere and be not frightened by masks.
Believe that all falsehood is truth in the making or truth in the breaking,
all failure an effectuality concealed,
all weakness strength hiding itself from its own vision,
all pain a secret & violent ecstasy.
If thou believest firmly & unweariedly,
in the end thou wilt see & experience the All-true, Almighty & All-blissful.

Sri Aurobindo

(Thoughts and Aphorisms 534)

Receptivity: Open Yourself

To be active is to throw the consciousness or force or movement from within outwards. To be passive is to remain immobile and receive what comes from outside…

Now if you want to get true inspiration, inner guidance, the guide, and if you want to have the force, to receive the force which will guide you and make you act as you should, then you do not move any longer, that is- I don’t mean not move physically but nothing must come out from you any more and, on the contrary, you remain as though you were quite still, but open, and wait for the Force to enter, and then open yourself as wide as possible to take in all that comes into you. And it is this movement: instead of out-going vibrations there is a kind of calm quietude, but completely open, as though you were opening all your pores in this way to the force which must descend into you and transform your action and consciousness.

Receptivity is the result of a fine passivity.

– The Mother
The Great Adventure, Page 136

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India

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