September 12, 2018 – Soar High

Into those heights her spirit went floating up

Like an upsoaring bird who mounts unseen

Voicing to the ascent his throbbing heart

Of melody till a pause of closing wings

Comes quivering in his last contented cry

And he is silent with his soul discharged,

Delivered of his heart’s burden of delight.

Experience mounted on joy’s coloured breast

To inaccessible spheres in spiral flight.

There Time dwelt with eternity as one;

Immense felicity joined rapt repose.

Sri Aurobindo

Savitri, Book XI, page 678.

Soar High

Our consciousness is like a young bird, it must learn to use its wings.


Take your flight towards the heights.


Soar very high and you will discover the great depths.


The day comes when all barriers have fallen, within and around us and we can feel like the bird that opens its wings for an unopposed soar.


A being free from all bondages, flying from height to height in a happy seeking for divine transformation.


A resplendent sun rises above the horizon. It is your Lord that comes to you.

The whole world awakes and stretches in delight at the contact of His glory.

As the earth that heaves and opens, as the tree that grows, as the flower that blossoms, as the bird that sings, as the man that loves, let His light permeate you and radiate in an ever increasing and widening happiness, a happiness steadily moving onward as the stars move in heaven.


Spiritual atmosphere: light, fluid, clear and transparent and so clean!

The Mother

The Mother, Words of the Mother III, CWM 15, pages 227 – 228.

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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