Nov 26, 2014 – Contact the Supreme Consciousness

Living in Krishna, even enmity becomes a play of love and the wrestling of brothers.

Sri Aurobindo

(Thoughts and Aphorisms 490)

Contact the Supreme Consciousness

If one had the least sense of the reason why separate individualities existed, one would see that it is only for allowing aspiration, the existence of aspiration, of this movement of self-giving, and surrender, trust and faith. And it is this that is the very reason why individuals were built up; and then for you to become that in all sincerity and intensity… it is all that is needed.

It is all that is needed, it is the only thing, the only only thing that stays; all the rest… phantasmagoria.

And it is the only thing valid in every case: when you want to do a thing, when you cannot do a thing, when you move, when the body is no more able to move… in every every case, that only, only that: to come in conscious contact with the Supreme Consciousness, to be united with it; and… to wait. There!

It is then that you receive the exact indication of what you ought to do at each minute – to do or not to do, to act or to be stone still. That is all.

The Mother

The Great Adventure – A Diary for All Times. Page 363.

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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