December 19, 2012 – To Help Humanity – II

When he watched the actions of Janaka,
even Narada the divine sage thought him a luxurious worldling and libertine.
Unless thou canst see the soul,
how shalt thou say that a man is free or bound ?/p>

Sri Aurobindo

(Thoughts and Aphorisms 106)

To Help Humanity – II

What do you want to do to serve humanity?

Give food to the poor? – You can feed millions of them. That will not be a solution, this problem will remain the same. Give new and better living conditions to men? – The Divine is in them, how is it that things don’t change? The Divine must know better than you the condition of humanity. What are you? You represent only a little bit of consciousness and a little bit of matter, it is that you call “myself”. If you want to help humanity, the world or the universe, the only thing to do is to give that little bit entirely to the Divine. Why is the world not divine? …It is evident that the world is not in order. So the only solution to the problem is to give what belongs to you. Give it totally, entirely to the Divine; not only for yourself but for humanity, for the universe. There is no better solution.

The Mother

The Great Adventure 33

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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