September 28, 2011 – The Only Truly Effective Attitude

When I knew nothing, then I abhorred the criminal,
sinful and impure, being myself full of crime, sin and impurity;but when I was cleansed and my eyes unsealed,then I bowed down in my spirit before the thief and the murderer and adored the feet of
the harlot; for I saw that these souls had accepted the terrible burden of evil and drained for all of us the greater portion of the churned poison of the world-ocean.

Sri Aurobindo

(Thoughts and Aphorisms 132)

The Only Truly Effective Attitude

Everyone can gauge, from the resistance he meets in his own being, the tremendous resistance which the world opposes to the work of the Grace.

And it is only when one understands that all external things, all mental constructions, all material efforts are vain, futile, if they are not entirely consecrated to this Light and Force from above, to this Truth which is trying to express itself, that one is ready to make decisive progress. So the only truly effective attitude is a perfect, total, fervent giving of our being to That which is above us and which alone has the power to change everything.

When you open to the Spirit within you it brings you a first foretaste of that higher life which alone is worth living, then comes the will to rise to that, the hope of reaching it, the certitude that this is possible, and finally the strength to make the necessary effort and the resolution to go to the very end.

First one must wake up, then one can conquer.

The Mother

The Great Adventure: Page 58

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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