August 12, 2009 – The Imaginative Power

They explained the evil in the world by saying that Satan had prevailed against God;
but I think more proudly of my Beloved.
I believe that nothing is done but by His will in heaven or hell,
on earth or on the waters.

Sri Aurobindo

(Thoughts and Aphorisms 460)

The Imaginative Power

If you have a very powerful imagination and build up the realisation of your desire, build it up well with all its details and everything, like an admirably made forĀ­mation existing in itself, totally, you see… well, you may be sure that if you live long enough the thing will be realised. It can be realised the next day, it can be realised the next minute, it can take years, it can take centuries. But it is sure to be realĀ­ised. And then, if to this imaginative power you add a kind of creative vital strength, you make a very living force of it; and as all living forces tend towards realisation, it will put a pressure upon terrestrial events in order to be able to realise itself sooner, and it is realised. . . .

If… instead of being desires, they are aspirations for spiritual things and one continues his line with a regular progress, then one is absolutely sure to obtain one day what he has imagined

– The Mother
The Great Adventure, Page 339

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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