April 15, 2009 – Synthetic Method and Integral Yoga

Calvin who justified eternal Hell,
knew not God but made one terrible mask of Him His eternal reality.
If there were an unending Hell, it could only be a seat of unending rapture;
for God is Ananda and than the eternity of His bliss there is no other eternity.

Sri Aurobindo
(Thoughts and Aphorism 473)

Synthetic Method and Integral Yoga

To cleave to the path means to follow it without leaving it or turning aside. It is a path of self-offering of the whole being in all its parts, the offering of the thinking mind and the heart, the will and actions, the inner and the outer instruments so that one may arrive at the experience of the Divine, the Presence within, the psychic and spiritual change. The more one gives of oneself in all ways, the better for the sadhana. But all cannot do it to the same extent, with the same rapidity, in the same way. How others do it or fail to do it should not be one’s concern – how to do it faithfully oneself is the one thing important.

To say that one enters the stream of sadhana through work only is to say too much. One can enter it through meditation or bhakti also, but work is necessary to get into full stream and not drift away to one side and go circling there. Of course all work helps provided it is done in the right spirit.

There are several sadhaks who have advanced very far by work alone, work consecrated to the Mother or else by work mainly with very little time for meditation. Others have advanced far by meditation mainly, but work also. Those who tried to do meditation alone and became impatient of work (because they could not consecrate it to the Mother) have generally been failures like X and Y. But one or two may succeed by meditation alone, if it is in their nature or if they have an intense and unshakable faith and bhakti. All depends on the nature of the sadhak.

– Sri Aurobindo
SABCL Vol.23, Page 573

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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