Feb 25 – The Grace and Falsehood

A nation is not made by a common blood, a common tongue or a common religion;
these are only important helps and powerful conveniences.
But wherever communities of men not bound by family ties
are united in one sentiment and aspiration to defend a common inheritance from their ancestors
or assure a common future for their posterity, there a nation is already in existence

Sri Aurobindo
(Thoughts and Aphorism)

The Grace and Falsehood

The Grace has come; well, it works for the realisation of the truth. If it accepts the conditions laid upon it by the falsehood, it can no longer do anything. Of this, you know, I could give you countless examples- of people who insist that things should happen in a particular way as far as they are concerned. They implore, at times even demand that things should be like that; and what they ask for is absolutely contrary to the truth; and if the Grace obeyed their demand, it would go against its own purpose and defeat its own purpose, that is, it would go against its own work and aim. It comes here to realise the truth; if it obeys the falsehood, it turns its back on truth. And people, you see, very often put the cart before the horse- most often through ignorance and stupidity; but sometimes it is also through bad will that they insist on having their conditions fulfilled, that they go in for a kind of bargaining in exchange for their surrender.

– The Mother
The great Adventure, Page 229

All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry -605002 India
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